COVId-19 update

We will provide updates and keep you informed on this page and on church-wide networks during this season.

sunday in-person gatherings

Join us on Sundays at 10am at the Sandler Center in Town Center. There's no pressure to attend in-person gatherings. If you prefer to worship with us from home, head to our Watch Page and join us live on Sunday at 10am.

Health & Safety Guidelines

Anchor Church is dedicated to keeping our friends and guests as safe as possible while attending an in-person Sunday gathering. Below are the health & safety guidelines we follow that have been approved by the Sandler Center, VB EMS, & VB Department of Health. We follow the guidelines and best practices set forth by the CDC.
Our Connections Team will greet attendees as they enter a designated set of doors. When possible, exterior and interior doors will be left open to limit touching of door handles. Attendees will be asked to leave the building immediately after the service.

Hand sanitizer stations and pumps will be placed throughout the lobby, bathrooms, and main hall.

Attendees will be given prepackaged communion cups.

Anchor Church will work with Sandler Center staff to ensure that thorough cleaning and sanitizing is done before and after each service by church staff/volunteers or a third-party cleaning company.
Disposable masks will be made available. Following CDC guidelines, we request all staff, volunteers, and attendees to wear a mask while in the building if unvaccinated.

We strongly recommend all children ages 2 and up wear a mask in their Children's Ministry classroom. Masks are available at the check-in table for children.

Attendees in the at-risk or vulnerable populations will be encouraged to continue watching the services online at home.
In accordance with the guidance and recommendations set forth by the CDC and local health officials, we respectfully request that the following guests, both adult and child, not attend an in-person
Sunday Gathering:
  • Guests who are feeling sick or experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms (including fever, cough, and shortness of breath);
  • Guests who have been diagnosed with, or believe to have contracted, COVID-19, unless you have had no fever for 72 hours (without the use of medicine) and 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared;
  • Guests who have been in contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days; and
  • Guests who have traveled internationally in the past 14 days.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Home Church Resources

How to Host a Virtual Group

Anyone can host and lead at home. When organizing a group, decide how you plan to meet and communicate. Maybe it’s over google hangout once a week, maybe you’ll keep in touch throughout the week with a group text, or maybe FaceTiming is the best option. If you will be watching any videos together, make sure your internet is fast enough to handle the needs. Be creative during this time, and be committed to real relational connection. Encourage each group member to have watched the videos or listened to the weekly message, so that you can work through the questions together.

How to Lead or Facilitate a Discussion

Prepare by listening to the message and reading through the discussion questions ahead of time. Prepare a few extra questions based on your own personal reflections to keep the dialogue going. It’s always helpful to have some thoughts ready to share to open up the discussion and create a safe space for sharing and questions. Allow some time for reflection after each question – be comfortable with silence as people think.

How to Facilitate Communion

Anyone can facilitate communion with other believers. The beauty of communion is that it was shared over a meal using items Jesus and the disciples had: bread and wine. We prefer and encourage the use of bread and wine/juice, but crackers/chips along with any kind of water/ juice may be substituted.

Communion is a time for followers of Jesus to reflect upon, receive, and celebrate all that Jesus has done for us. It’s a time for us to look back, to look within, a time for self-reflection, and a time to look forward.

Give your group the opportunity to reflect in solitude, read scripture together, and instruct your group to take the bread and wine/juice when they’re ready. Pray a prayer of thanks together when all have finished taking communion.

Outreach Initiatives

At this point in our church, we do not have the infrastructure to organize community service endeavors that would adequately support the complex and ever-changing needs during this season of social distancing, and our philosophy has usually been to participate in and support local organizations who are equipped and informed on best practices and who already have inroads to various communities of need.

If you would like to assist in donating or distributing resources, please click the below link for a list of local initiatives.

COVID-19 Outreach

How You Can Help From Home

Many of us are eager to lend a helping hand, but it may not be safe to serve alongside tens of other volunteers. Some of the most impactful work you can do is to pray for others, to send texts or emails to check on each other, and to give family and friends a phone call to show that you care.

We are doing what we can as a church to help those within our church who have lost working hours or lost their jobs completely as we discover the needs. Thank you for your consideration of our ministry and of the growing number of people within our church family who will have needs.

Mental Health Resources

During this time, we know it can cause many to struggle with anxiety, fear, or lead to isolation and depression. We are sensitive to those dealing with such things and are here to offer prayer and support at all times.

Do not hesitate to reach out for prayer or if you need support. Click the link below for a few local resources and tips to support your mental health during this time.

COVID-19 Mental Health Support

How to Talk to Your Child About COVID-19

As the current climate is constantly changing, so too will daily routines with your children. As many schools remain virtual and learning is now happening at home and online, more questions will arise and routines will need to change.

The Austin Stone church in Texas has provided a well-written document with a few suggestions on how to begin to approach talking about COVID-19 and addressing fears your children may be facing. Click the link below to view.

COVID-19 Talking with Children

Need Assistance or Prayer?

Reach out to us if you need any form of assistance or prayer during this season? Additionally, if you are able to assist others in any way, let us know.