Mission & vision

What is a vision statement?

Vision is our dream for Anchor, our communities, and our world as we live on mission. It is our hope, prayer, and dream that each Anchor partner would live riveted to this extraordinary dream even as they live their very ordinary life.

Why is a vision statement important?

Our vision statement is the north star of Anchor Church. Vision tells us where and what we’re shooting for [By the way, our mission statement tells us how we’re going to get there]. This vision statement describes Anchor as it would appear in a future successful state. Of course, we know our vision will never be fully realized until Jesus returns to reign forever in power. Still, we’re compelled by our Savior to seek first His Kingdom and strive expectantly for the ideal set forth in God’s Word. Fueled by the power of the Spirit, the hope of God, and the renewing work of Jesus’ gospel, we toil to reach our vision for the glory of God.

So, what is our vision?

Anchor Church envisions a future where everyone in Hampton Roads - every man, woman, and child - encounters the hope of Jesus in a way that cannot be ignored.

VISION is our destination.

MISSION is how we get there.

What is a mission statement?

Mission is the specific task Anchor seeks to accomplish today to realize its vision for the future. It is our hope, prayer, and dream that each Anchor partner would live riveted to this mission in the magnificent and mundane moments of their life.

Why is a mission statement important?

A fog in our mission is a mist in our living. Boiling down our central purpose(s) as a church is vital to providing clarity and purpose to all that we do. Mission is our reason for being; it’s our very soul. It gives each of us a sense of purpose for all we do when we gather or scatter as a church. Mission takes our Vision (see above) out of the pie-in-the-sky and puts real boots on the ground. Most importantly, a mission statement provides language to return to - over and over - that will shape the rhythms and priorities of Anchor.

So, what is our mission?

Anchor Church exists to help people find hope in Jesus by making and mobilizing faithful disciples of Jesus.